Cloud data safety – How to keep your cloud storage safe and secure


If you have created a document and sent it using google drive, you have used the cloud data. For example, streaming a movie online, saving pictures and memories in Dropbox, or using your email client to send emails are all types of cloud services.

The cloud has slowly become a place people in different parts of the world can meet and exchange information. It is gradually changing how people can access entertainment, utilize the storage space in their devices, and soon, how people play games online.

Cloud computing makes it possible for off-site employees to collaborate on a project without being in the same room. The cloud is also a preferred data storage solution by most companies. From photos to videos and music to documents, passwords, and more, the possibilities are endless when it comes to cloud storage.

While cloud storage offers numerous benefits, including the ability to access personal or organizational data from anywhere and at any time, it also comes with the possibility of hacking and unauthorized access.

Here is everything you need to know about cloud storage and tips on how to improve your security.

Security Threats facing cloud service users

Unauthorized access

Cloud-based services are usually located outside the network parameters of an organization, making them accessible over the public internet. Even though this is a valuable asset that allows access to data by customers and employees, it also makes it easy for outsiders to access cloud resources without authorization.

The culprit usually has compromised credentials or security protocols that are improperly configured. An attacker can use these vulnerabilities for direct access to a cloud server without an organization’s knowledge.

Account hijacking

Account hijacking is a highly critical cloud security threat as more companies rely on cloud infrastructure for most of their business functions. If an attacker accesses an employee’s password, they can freely access any data on the company cloud server and use their skill to alter functions while compromising confidential data.


When data saved in the cloud is not secured correctly, it can easily be accessed by cybercriminals who then hold it at ransom.

Since hundreds of companies use the cloud, one successful cyberattack can be duplicated to compromise as much critical data as possible. This is why cloud deployments for organizations are common targets for cybercriminals.

Denial of service (DoS) attacks

When successfully used against cloud-based infrastructure, DoS attacks can significantly impact tens of companies who rely on the cloud to do business. DoS attacks are some of the most common ransomware attacks that pose a significant data loss threat to any cloud-based resource used by a company.

Also Read : What is cloud storage? How does it work?

How users can secure their cloud storage 

Secure your devices

One way to improve cloud storage safety is to improve the security of physical devices used to access the cloud. This includes laptops, phones, computers, or any other device with access to your cloud server.

Device security includes:

  • Using strong passwords and password managing apps.
  • Logging out of devices when not in use to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Using strong antivirus programs to keep malware and ransomware bugs out of your system.

Encrypt your data 

Using a VPN for security is the best way to ensure that data transfer from the device to the cloud is protected. A VPN (Virtual Private Network) encrypts data sent from a device to your cloud server or downloaded from the server to the computer. This makes it unreadable to third parties, including lurking hackers.

Part of encrypting your data also includes using a cloud service provider that offers data encryption services. This will make it harder for hackers to access the information, therefore guaranteeing the safety of your data.

Backup your data

The best cloud storage service is one that provides backup solutions for your data. This ensures your data is stored on different servers in different locations. Therefore, if one server is compromised or goes offline, you can still access your data.

It also helps to back up every critical data in an external hard drive, even when storing it on the cloud. This gives you an extra layer of security if something happens to cloud servers backing up your data.

Also Read: Google denies Gmail is shutting down after viral hoax

Enable 2FA

Using two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of protection for your data. 2FA is a security protocol that requires anyone trying to access your data to use codes to log into a server, on top of their password.

This code is sent in real-time to an email, mobile device as a text, or a 2FA app only available to authorized users. Without this code, it is not possible to access an account.


As cyber threats continue to advance, cloud service users need to be a step ahead when securing their data at all times. The tips highlighted in this article are a sure way of keeping cybercriminals out of your company or personal data. But, if you still felt like not convinced then you must give a chance to “Dataknox” a cloud migration company. They provide you with a private data center, also a dedicated rack space where you’ve full access and control over your high value business data.

Writer’s bio:

Jack is an accomplished cybersecurity expert with years of experience under his belt at TechWarn, a trusted digital agency to world-class cybersecurity companies. A passionate digital safety advocate himself, Jack frequently contributes to tech blogs and digital media sharing expert insights on cybersecurity and privacy tools.

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